I turn 50 years old today…
So I’m sure I’ll hear the good-natured jokes.
You’re over the hill…
You’re on the back 9 of life…
It’s all downhill from here.
And that’s cool with me…
Because I’m laughing right along with you.
(Click the link to the left for full effect)
As I wrote in last week’s edition of the Fit Family Forum, I wholeheartedly believe that “It’s Never Too Late…”
That belief is why I’m in a position to enjoy all aspects of my life for the first time in a long time.
I could have remained a sportswriter making a steady paycheck with OK health insurance through my employer.
That’s what I knew I was good at. I had been doing it for 26 years and experienced many great opportunities along the way.
Besides, how many people change careers at 47 years old after spending more than half of their life in the same field?
I could have accepted that as my fate, and moved on with life and been fine.
But fine isn’t good enough – not anymore.
Change is good, even at 50
Keeping the status quo, playing it safe, wasn’t what I wanted out of life at 50 years old.
It’s not what I’m passionate about at this stage of my life.
So I took a huge leap of faith nearly 3 years ago…
(OK, big risk but leap of faith sounds more inspiring, don’t you think?)
I’ve loved every second of this journey, even the many times when I’m stumbled and fallen while building Fernandes Fit.
During our weekly Zoom call on Tuesday, I told my coach and mentor Jonathan Lautermilch of Smart Shark and Fit Pro Collective: “I’m overwhelmed, but it’s a good overwhelmed,” . I’ve taken on a lot of late for this one-man show…
This blog, a podcast titled “The Healthy Bodies, Healthy Families Podcast” (check it out on Apple, Spotify & <a href="http://<iframe ="https://castbox.fm/app/castbox/player/id4594435?v=8.22.11&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="500">Castbox), and a new fitness business venture that I’m truly excited about (more on that coming up, so stay tuned).
But I appreciate every bit of it all, because I’m doing things I never thought I would just a few years ago.
Being fit at 50, in every way
As much as I spread about the word about the importance of being healthy and fit, and help my clients gain control of their own health, I can’t emphasize enough that it’s not simply because I want people to be physically healthy and fit.
Health and fitness is so much more mental and emotional than physical, because it can impact us and our families and friends in so many ways. I’m still discovering ways how being healthy and fit have transformed me for the better.
(Check out these easy to follow tips to Prioritize Your Health and build a strong foundation for success)
Now that I’m officially halfway to 100, I look forward to what lies ahead because the future is limitless, because that’s what I want it to be and I’m willing and able to do something about it.
What about you?
Are you just fine? And is that good enough for you moving forward?
Or do you want more?
It starts in your head and in your heart, because making it a priority and following through on your plan are the keys to making it all happen. It takes consistency…and determination…and dedication…and the belief that “It’s Never Too Late…”