Let’s pull the Band-Aid completely off this long-standing and often controversial topic of hiring a trainer!

What fitness coaches are supposed to be and the services they provide have changed. And not only in a positive way, as social media has become a seemingly overcrowded landscape.

The line between trainer and others who call themselves trainers has grown blurry (i.e. social media influencers masquerading as coaches). That has made it difficult for people to find the right person to help them reach their goals.

Along the way, trainers who help people transform their lives have become devalued by many.

I’ve grown infuriated at times at social media posts trashing the fitness industry and what trainers do to help people.

Then those naysayers instruct others to find cookie cutter plans on social media. But fitness isn’t one size fits at all.

There isn’t another person like me with the same needs and goals like me, or another person like you. You have specific needs and goals in mind. So a plan plucked from social media that worked for someone else won’t necessarily work for you.

That’s where YOU can benefit from working with a certified trainer who has your best interests in mind. How can a trainer help you, you ask?

Building blocks for trainers

Me training in my garage gym in Berlin, MD.

KNOWLEDGE: You may know what you want to accomplish, but what do you need to do to reach your goals? I often have people tell me what they do as part of their fitness and nutritional “plan.”

Then I ask them why they chose that “plan?”

And they don’t have a legitimate answer. They may follow a plan they found online. Or one a friend who works out gave them. Or even mimic others in the gym do. Without having a clue as to what these “plans” are doing, ot not doing, for them.

The right trainer takes time to design a plan that works for you. They follow the science behind exercises within your program that will impact you on the path to achieving your goals.

STRUCTURE: There’s a reason behind everything good trainers do, and specifically a reason behind why they have you doing certain exercises in a certain format for a certain period of time. They get to know you as a person to determine the best path to follow to accomplish your goals.

NUTRITION: The right trainers don’t tell you what to eat and how much of it to eat. They legally can’t. But even if they could, the good ones understand that it isn’t as simple as that. Trainers have to build plans within the framework of people’s lives and the kinds of foods they eat. They have to teach clients that it isn’t as possible as picking between “good” and “bad” foods.

It’s helping clients develop healthy habits…

From the foods and portion sizes they select.

How they eat when they’re happy, sad, bored, frustrated or scared.

It’s teaching clients that making a bad choice doesn’t derail them, and splurging from time to time is good.

MINDSET: This is an integral part of any program I offer to clients. If your head isn’t in the right place, you’ll fall short of your goals for the rest of your body. I spend lots of time working with clients who struggle with the mental and emotional side of fitness. In-person training sessions include conversations about the frame of mind they should have to enjoy success.

ACCOUNTABILITY: You can’t get this from those cookie cutter programs out there. With those, either you do what they say or you don’t. Trainers are with you every step of the way making sure you’re staying track and heading in the right direction.

They will cheer your successes. Call you out on your BS when you fall short of what you need to do. Motivate you as move forward, and guide you back to where you need to be when you stray off course.

There is only one answer…hire a trainer!

You could spend many hours sifting through the never-ending programs on social media to find what works best for you. And you may still not find what you need. Because, let’s face it, you may not know what you need.

Or you can find the right trainer for you and get the job done right the first time.

The choice is yours.

Are you ready to make a change?

Click this link to take the first step toward a custom 30-day fitness plan…

Where you will drop those first 10 pounds, feel reenergized and move full steam ahead toward your goals.