Good Health is Worth the Investment

Good Health is Worth the Investment

People spend money on what they want to spend money on, and too often it’s not their health. I wish I could laugh at this meme. But all I can manage is a shake of the head when I look at it. Because this was me for two decades. I ate like crap for years. Quick,...
It’s Never Too Late…

It’s Never Too Late…

“It’s Never Too Late…” You can call it a tagline. Or a catchphrase. Or even a mantra. I call it my life — at least my adult life. The years when I finally grew a pair and decided to take risks to better my life. Oh hell, to better my...
How are you doing?

How are you doing?

How are you doing? That’s somewhat of a loaded question these days, certainly over the last year and a half. We have all gone through a lot of changes in our lives as the pandemic unfolded (and continues to unfold). The biggest change for me began in March 2020....
Why you should hire a trainer…

Why you should hire a trainer…

Let’s pull the Band-Aid completely off this long-standing and often controversial topic of hiring a trainer! What fitness coaches are supposed to be and the services they provide have changed. And not only in a positive way, as social media has become a...
At 50, There’s Nowhere to Go But Up

Being uncomfortable…oh what a feeling!

I awaken every morning these days feeling rather uncomfortable as a fitness coach and owner of Fernandes Fit LLC. And I’m more than OK with that. I want that feeling. I would be concerned if I wasn’t. Deep down inside, I would know something is wrong. I...

When two passions collide…

Victor Fernandes – Fernandes Fit LLC, Owner & Coach Welcome to the opening chapter of my new blog.It’s so new that I don’t even have a name for it yet. I haven’t given that all that much thought.There once was a time when I would have...